Women in STEM Mentoring Scheme
Inspiration Trust aims to offer its female students more opportunities to get involved in STEM subjects and careers and help them open doors they may not have had the chance to explore. We believe that they should feel valued within the subject, and should have the confidence to pursue a career in STEM.
The Trust’s commitment to increasing the number of females taking STEM subjects has been implemented across our family of schools in the form of the ‘Women in STEM Mentoring Scheme’, which involves GCSE and A-Level female students having dedicated 1:1 support from inspirational women that are currently in STEM careers across the region. These include Sandyha Sreekumar - a Civil Engineer from Atkins Global, Emina Alikadic - a Software Developer from Cholich, and Romilly Bobby - a Civil and Structural Engineer from Conisbee.
Romilly Bobby, Civil and Structural Engineer - Conisbee said:
“Technology is becoming increasingly important in how civil and structural engineers perform their job. We use software programmes to build models of our structures which allows us to analyse and refine designs in a more time efficient, cost effective, sustainable way and as technology continues to evolve, there will be even greater developments in this field. Technology has the opportunity to make the industry more sustainable and that is why I find the creation of initiatives such as the ‘Women in STEM Mentoring Programme with Inspiration Trust’ extremely important. Through this programme I am able to support young women gain the confidence, understanding and determination to pursue a STEM career.”
Emina Alikadic, a Software Developer from Cholich said:
“I've joined the Women in STEM mentoring programme with the hope of providing advice and support to young women studying computing subjects. I believe that all young people should be given a fair chance to pursue a career in information technology. Young women face additional challenges with ingrained stereotypes and lack of relatable role models in the industry and therefore I want to support in changing this. As I've had a long and fulfilling career in IT, I hope I can be of assistance.”
These women are all working with Inspiration Trust pupils in a variety of schools to help them explore and encourage routes into STEM industries by sharing and discussing their experiences of being in the workplace. They will work with female students monthly to set and achieve goals throughout the year as they think about their post-18 choices.
Grace, a Women in STEM mentee and Inspiration Trust student says:
“So far the mentor meetings have been very informative and has provided me with an insight to what it’s like being a woman in STEM, allowing me to gain a better understanding of what I would like to do in the future. I hope to learn more about my mentor’s job and experiences to further develop my plans for the future.”
Ellie, a Women in STEM mentee and Inspiration Trust student says:
“I’ve found the mentoring so far a great opportunity to gain an insight into both further education and STEM-based industries. It is so encouraging to have such inspirational women, who have been in our place before, to help guide and support us through our journey towards a career in computing!”